React Navigator Status

React Navigator Status

Published February 11, 2021
Lakhan Samani
Adding online/offline status to your application can make it more user intuitive and helps users in taking quick actions before interacting with the application. react-navigator-status exports a component and a hook that you can use to show online/offline alerts to your users.
notion image


This component is inspired by react-detect-offline. The major benefit of using this that instead of polling network status this component uses online and offline event listeners Also, it is written in TypeScript and follows type-safe measures.

How to use?


  • Yarn: yarn add react-navigator-status
  • npm: npm install react-navigator-status


You can use this package in 3 ways
  1. Default component
  1. using the hook
  1. using the render props with default component

1. Default Component

import * as React from 'react'; import { NavigatorStatus } from 'react-navigator-status'; const App = () => { return <NavigatorStatus />; };

2. Using Hook

  • useNavigatorStatus hook returns the online status and listens to the network change in real time
import * as React from 'react'; import { useNavigatorStatus } from 'react-navigator-status'; // doesn't show alert initially // show offline alert forever // show online alert for 4s const Alert: React.FC<{ isOnline: boolean }> = ({ isOnline }) => { const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = React.useState(false); React.useEffect(() => { let isMounted = true; if (isOnline && showAlert && isMounted) { setShowAlert(true); setTimeout(() => { if (isMounted) { setShowAlert(false); } }, 4000); } if (!isOnline && isMounted) { setShowAlert(true); } return () => { isMounted = false; }; }, [isOnline]); return ( <div style={{ fontFamily: `sans-serif`, }} > {showAlert && ( <div style={{ color: 'white', padding: 20, marginBottom: 20, background: isOnline ? `rgb(59, 201, 149)` : `#ff5733`, }} > {isOnline ? `You are online` : `You are offline please check your connection`} </div> )} <p>Change the network status to see the alert</p> </div> ); }; const App = () => { const isOnline = useNavigatorStatus(); return <Alert isOnline={isOnline} />; };

3. With render props

  • NavigatorStatus component gives you render prop with isOnline which you can use further to render alert as per your needs.
import * as React from 'react'; import { NavigatorStatus } from 'react-navigator-status'; // doesn't show alert initially // show offline alert forever // show online alert for 4s const Alert: React.FC<{ isOnline: boolean }> = ({ isOnline }) => { const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = React.useState(false); React.useEffect(() => { let isMounted = true; if (isOnline && showAlert && isMounted) { setShowAlert(true); setTimeout(() => { if (isMounted) { setShowAlert(false); } }, 4000); } if (!isOnline && isMounted) { setShowAlert(true); } return () => { isMounted = false; }; }, [isOnline]); return ( <div style={{ fontFamily: `sans-serif`, }} > {showAlert && ( <div style={{ color: 'white', padding: 20, marginBottom: 20, background: isOnline ? `rgb(59, 201, 149)` : `#ff5733`, }} > {isOnline ? `You are online` : `You are offline please check your connection`} </div> )} <p>Change the network status to see the alert</p> </div> ); }; const App = () => { return ( <NavigatorStatus> {({ isOnline }) => <Alert isOnline={isOnline} />} </NavigatorStatus> ); };
Enjoy using react-navigator-status and shower some love to github repo 🎉